
Friday, April 15, 2011

About a man

My uncle had what I would call a good death. He was out in the garden, he fell, he never got up again. Quick and (and least so I was told) painless. If I may say so, it was as good a time to die as could be expected. His parents were gone, his sister was gone, he never had a family of his own, it was just the nephews - my brother and me. He died knowing that my brother was recovering from a long illness and is now his own self again and back to school. He is in good hands. As for me, he was so much luckier than grandma. He got to see me finish my major, do the masters and start the internship. He saw me in love and met the man I want to share my life with. He knew about my plans for the future and could see how well and happy I can (and hopefully will) be. And he got to see me running around for the last few months running so many errands he couldn't do himself. For that I hope he is happy and grateful. I'm not that saddened by his parting, because his life was settled. He had no more ambitions or dreams to fulfill, his loved ones were either gone or about to move on with their own lives in places far away and all he had to do was stay in his own little corner and wait for death, how ever long it took. (Un)fortunately he didn't have to wait long.


Tati said...

Custa sempre ver alguém partir, mas há que manter as boas memórias. gostei do teu post.

zira said...

è tuduuudo verdadinha minha querida.Penso como tu.Viver é ter qualidade de vida, é ter interesse por a viver. É querer partilhar, querer ouvir. Tem de continuar a ter essa força que lhe permite seguir em frente. Um dia... ah! um dia vai ser recompensada.Um dia... a vida vai dar-lhe o que merece. Até lá vamos ficar com as recordações boas daqueles que foram antes.Bj...posso?