
Thursday, December 09, 2010

Kathleen Kelly in the making!

So I've been working for a little over a week now. I love it. Although I have to admit I had a very rocky start: one walks miles up and down the book section, my shoes were eating my ankles off, finding the books was a pain, I didn't get the way they were stored, the computers had way too many codes and numbers, memorising the whole process of making a sale took an embarassing amount of time and, hardest of all was being able to take care of several things at once and not piss off customers because they're not all I'm thinking about.

Right now I'm still learning but I'm finally starting to get the hang of things and managing doing most things on my own and even being able to show iniciative. And, of course, I'm living the dream. Even if only for a month, the fact is that I'm fulfilling my childhood dream of working with books. And I absolutly love it.

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